



Exploration Term


Innovate and Explore


For over fifty years, Exploration Term has served as a defining characteristic of Birmingham-Southern, 在常规学期中提供一个智力上好玩的休息时间——一个学生可以旅行的时刻, engage in focused inquiry, complete an internship, or develop a new skill. 探索期发生在每年一月,学生们用一个月的时间来进行一次探索, intensive learning project, embodying the notion of learning for its own sake, providing students and faculty alike an opportunity to experiment, innovate, and explore. Students must complete at least two Exploration Term projects. They can do so in three ways: faculty-led travel projects, on-campus projects, and independently designed projects. 

Why E-Term?


  • Focus. A single, 为期一个月的项目使你能够专注于一个问题或关注不可能在常规学期, including travel, intensive internships, and research.
  • Depth. 探索学期的强度允许与同龄人社区进行深入学习, combining hands-on activities with close-knit interaction.
  • Wonder. Hitting the pause button on the regular term engages curiosity and wonder, expanding your creative and intellectual potential.
  • High-payoff, low risk. Most Exploration Term projects have few, if any, prerequisites and need not be tied to the major or career (though they can be), enabling you to pursue interests for maximum payoff and low risk.

Looking for the bulletin? 

勘探期公告包括最近勘探期的所有项目清单. You can access the E-Term 2024 Bulletin here.

Are you a faculty member proposing a future Exploration Term project? 

教师与他们的系主任和探索学期主任一起开发创新的探索学期项目, including travel projects, internships, and on-campus projects.  The application form for new projects is available in the Forms section. Contact the Director of Exploration Term to explore the possibilities. 

How should I spend my Exploration Term?

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Faculty-Led Travel Projects

Choose from six to ten travel projects at domestic and international locations.

Travel projects for the upcoming year are published in the annual travel bulletin each spring; students secure a space by placing a deposit and signing a financial agreement.


On-Campus Projects


Registration for on-campus Exploration Term projects occurs in the fall term.

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Contracted Independent Projects

Design an individualized learning experience; more than 30 students contract an experience each year.

Collaborate with a faculty sponsor; completed contracts are due during the fall registration period.

Dive Deeper:


    Faculty-Led Travel Projects

    教师主导的研究旅行探索学期项目将学习与国内和国际景点的旅行结合起来.  In past projects, students studied ecology in the Galápagos Islands, examined the film industry by attending the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, investigated the roots of Modernity in Italy, researched agribusiness in the Czech Republic, and honed their teaching and mentoring skills with children in Uganda. Most study-travel projects enroll students of all levels. Students must be in good academic and social standing in order to participate.  

    How do I enroll in a faculty-led travel project? 

    报名参加旅游项目相当简单:关注每学年春季公布的旅游机会, identify the project that is of most interest to you, speak with the travel leader, and complete the Interest form on Engage. Once you are ready to officially register, sign the financial agreement, apply for scholarship funding, and then join your travel companions in January. 

    • Identify travel opportunities. Each spring, Krulak研究所发布了一份即将到来的旅游项目和下一个日历年的机会清单, including Exploration Term travel projects. A list of the most recent past or upcoming travel projects can be found here.
    • Select a travel project. Review the list of opportunities, reach out to faculty sponsors, 与过去可能参与过这个项目的人交谈,以确定这个项目是否适合你. 监测周一上午和ENGAGE在每年春季和秋季举行的兴趣会议,在那里你可以向旅行领导者提问. Complete the project interest form on Engage.
    • Sign the financial agreement for your project. There are limited spaces on travel projects, and travel leaders need your commitment to ensure the project can go. 一旦您决定,请联系Krulak学院的工作人员签署财务协议. Doing so will ensure you have a space on a specific travel project. A $500 deposit will be due immediately when you register for the project. 50% of the remaining cost will be due on October 1 and 100% by December 1.

    Once students are registered for a specific travel project, they will receive information from the travel leaders about airfare, lodging, and other travel expectations. 当你准备在一月份出发时,请与你的旅行领队和同伴保持联系.

    On-Campus Projects

    Although students may remain on campus during the Exploration term, the projects they complete require exploration. More than 60 on-campus projects are offered each term, including internship and research opportunities, 以及创新的课程,扩大了教师和学生的曲目. Past projects have invited students to walk around Birmingham to better understand the city’s history and habitat; to read contemporary best-selling novels; to learn sign language; to consider the relationship between crafting and social movements; to practice “unplugging” from contemporary, fast-paced culture; or to examine how the Civil War has been depicted in the film. Projects typically have few prerequisites, so students can use Exploration Term to explore new interests or curiosities.

    How do I enroll in on-campus projects?

    On-campus Exploration Term registration coincides with spring term registration. To register, review the options listed in the E-Term bulletin, make your selection, attend the preliminary orientation meeting in November, and then begin the project in January.

    • Review Options. Early in the fall term, Krulak研究所发布了一份勘探期公告,列出了明年1月可用的项目. Students should review this bulletin prior to registration.

    The most recent or upcoming Exploration Term Bulletin can be found here.
    Students register for Exploration Term projects at the same time they register for spring term courses; however, the process differs for first-year students and upper-level students.
    一年级和新入学的转学生与学术顾问会面,了解探索学期, review the bulletin, and consider options. Following this meeting, first-year students will register for E-term.  Sophomores, juniors, 高年级学生在注册春季学期课程的同时使用自助服务注册探索学期.
    • Attend Information Session. In November, 所有注册的学生都要参加一个介绍性的指导会议,在那里他们会见他们的探索学期项目负责人, learn about the project, and prepare for January.
    • Begin the Project. Projects begin in January. 与您的项目负责人一起在1月开始之前验证预期.

    Contracted Independent Exploration Term Projects

    我们鼓励学生在探索学期设想并开始他们自己的合同项目, including travel projects and internships. 合同经验允许学生追求常规课程没有提供的兴趣, creating a course of study in collaboration with a faculty sponsor. 过去的学生合同项目研究了南非犀牛保护区的野生动物保护,或调查了整个东南部面包店的商业模式. Projects should be substantial investments of time and effort, taking advantage of the focus of January to research, write, talk with, and collaborate with experts, and engage in careful observation and analysis.

    How do I contract a project?

    • Information on how to contract an internship can be found here.
    • Information on how to contract an independent study project can be found here.
    • Information on how to contract a travel project can be found here.

    Exploration Term Travel Awards

    奖学金资助对象为在探索期从事国内或国际学习的学生, 包括参加教师主导的旅行项目的学生和承包自己的旅行经历的学生.

    Faculty-Led Travel Awards

    教师主导的旅行项目的奖学金申请表可在ENGAGE上获得,截止日期为9月. Preference will be given to applicants who have demonstrated financial need, demonstrated a financial commitment (i.e. students who have made a deposit), students who have not previously traveled for E-Term, and to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. First-year students are encouraged to remain on campus for their first term.

    Contracted Travel Awards

    签约旅行项目的奖学金支持申请截止日期为10月份学生提交合同时. The application requires an itemized budget and itinerary. Support for these projects is provided by the SGA and other endowed funds. Preference will be given to applicants who have demonstrated financial need, students who have not previously traveled for E-Term, an itemized budget, and itinerary, and sophomores, juniors, and seniors. First-year students cannot contract for Exploration Term.

    包括社区服务的合同旅行项目将有资格获得Koinonia奖学金. 如果学生已经完成了与服务学习相关的问题,那么签约经验的申请将自动被考虑为Koinonia. 该奖项为一个学生或一组学生提供经济支持,他们独立签订了一个探索期项目,专注于全球社区的服务问题. The Neal R. Berte Koinonia学生合同服务-学习旅行奖学金是由学生创建的,以纪念伯明翰南方大学第11任校长银周年, Dr. Neal R. Berte. Koinonia refers to fellowship or communion with God or with others.


    Exploration Term Bulletin Information

    Exploration Term Travel Bulletin 

    • Travel Projects for January 2024 can be found here.

    Exploration Term Bulletin 

    • The E-Term Bulletin for 2024 may be found here.



We're available to help with any needs.
Contact the Krulak Institute at 205-226-7717 or at [email protected]

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