



E-Term Travel


E-Term Travel Projects are Open!



  • 欧洲首都的ABC:五个欧洲城市的艺术、商业和文化
  • Classical and Renaissance Italy
  • Education in Belize
  • 向食物链上游移动:欧洲农业企业的垂直整合
  • Spanish and Service Learning in Peru
  • Sundance Film Festival and the Independent Film Market

Timeline for January 2024 Travel:

Starting now!......Indicate your interest in a travel project by completing the Travel Project Interest form on Engage.  Once you complete this form, 你的名字将被转发给项目的院系领导,你将收到一份财务协议表格.  提交财务协议表格将导致您注册此项目,并收取您的帐户.  马上要交500美元的定金,余额的50% by October 1, and 100% of the remaining balance by December 1. Aug. 31..................E-Term Travel Expo | 11 a.m. | Norton 2nd FloorSep. 8..................Travel award application deadline for E-Term projectsSep. 22.................Students notified of travel award decision

Oct. 1...................提交财务协议表格和项目注册截止日期

所有行程信息如有变动,包括行程费用. Trip leaders have estimated costs for projects based on current information; until enrollment and bookings are complete, final amounts could change. Please reach out to trip leaders for more specific info.

Current Travel Projects:




Group Size: 10-25

From exploring Madrid, Athens, Vienna, Brussels, Paris, the Czech Republic, and Italy to learn about the rich history, culture, and business of Europe.


Central & South America

Group Size: 8-16



Domestic Travel

Group Size: 8-20

Explore the US, 从密室逃生到圣丹斯电影节,再到审视金融危机的影响.





    Faculty: Dr. Michael McInturff 

    Travel Dates: Jan. 7-26

    Group Size: 15 to 25

    Approximate Cost: $6,100

    After a series of on-campus meetings early in the term, 这个为期三周的旅行学习经历将参观意大利的主要文化和历史遗迹. 我们将考察古罗马和伊特鲁里亚人的世界. 我们将在中世纪和文艺复兴时期的意大利探索现代欧洲的基础. We will focus in particular on how art, architecture, and urban life express cultural and intellectual history. We will be based in Rome, Florence, and Venice. We will visit Pompeii, Orvieto, Pisa, Pienza and other areas. 学生将研究、展示和领导讨论三个主题. 这些主题将在与教师领导协商后选择.


    Hungary, Czech Republic, & Italy


    Faculty: Drs. Bert Morrow and Sara Robicheaux

    Travel Dates: Jan. 12-29

    Group Size: 10 to 20

    Approximate Cost: $5,500

    Project open to senior business majors and others by consent.

    Students will visit Hungary, 捷克共和国和意大利研究从事食品生产的农业综合企业. 将特别强调垂直一体化问题和技术革新在公司价值链中采用的程度. We will also explore how these firms acquire inputs, access distribution channels, and manage their labor and product markets. Students who plan to receive course credit for BA 499, 必须提出一个实质性的研究项目的结果,该研究项目的主题已经得到了教师领导的批准. 所有学生必须写一篇反思论文,至少12页,但不超过20页.


    Madrid, Athens, Vienna, Brussels & Paris

    欧洲首都的abc: 5个欧洲城市的艺术、商业和文化

    Faculty: Drs. Rick Lester and Treva Lester

    Travel Dates: Jan. 8-30

    Group Size: 20 minimum

    Approximate Cost: $6,500

    Is there a geography-based understanding of world events? Does culture impact the world view? What role do commerce and culture play in national identity? 为了研究这些问题,我们将前往五个欧洲城市. 2024年,我们暂定计划去马德里、雅典、维也纳、布鲁塞尔和巴黎. 我们将参观一些世界上最重要、最精美的博物馆. In addition, 我们将通过探索这些重要的世界首都的全球商业和媒体的工作来对比新旧. We will start with what we know here in Birmingham, where students will give reports on aspects of our itinerary. Then we travel for 21 days. 学生们将在我们离开之前完成一个小组作业,回来后完成一篇反思论文.

Central & South America



    Spanish & Service Learning in Peru

    Faculty: Dr. Vince Gawronski and Rev. Julie Holly

    Travel Dates: Jan. 4-28

    Group Size: 8 to 16

    Approximate Cost: $6,250

    一个迷人的三周沉浸在西班牙语和秘鲁文化, this service-learning project in Cusco, Peru, 是否会让学生进行密集的语言学习,并提供各种服务学习项目, including a reforestation project. 语言培训之后的服务学习部分将使参与者通过加强联系和促进跨文化交流和理解,最大限度地提高他们的文化沉浸体验. Prior Spanish is optional. 语言能力评估将决定从初级到高级的课程安排. Máximo Nivel将提供三个小时密集的西班牙语每天有充足的机会令人兴奋的短途旅行, cultural activities, and social engagement, including local cuisine, markets, city tours, museums, archeological sites, and monuments. 学生将住在秘鲁寄宿家庭,进一步加深他们的文化沉浸. 这个项目还包括周末游览著名的印加遗址马丘比丘, Sacred Valley, and Sacsayhuaman.  



    Service Learning: Education in Belize

    Faculty: Dr. Amelia Spencer

    Travel Dates: Jan. 5-24

    Group Size: 8 to 16

    Approximate Cost: $5,500

    去伯利兹和当地学校的老师一起工作.  学生将通过多门课程教授英语,并通过服务体验文化沉浸.  学生还将通过与社区领导人的会议体验伯利兹的文化和自然资源.  The project will be facilitated by Toucan Education Programs.  学生将通过制定课程计划和阅读指定的文章来为项目做准备.  学生将被期望充分参与学校和小组讨论, 坚持写反思日志,最后提交一篇反思文章.  评估将基于准备、参与和最终论文的质量.

Domestic Travel Projects



    Sundance Film Festival and the Independent Film Market

    Faculty: Drs. Teddy Champion and Nora Stone

    Travel Dates: Jan. 17-28

    Group Size: 8 to 14

    Approximate Cost: $4,100

    检视独立电影与电影节之间的亲密关系, with a focus on the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. 自20世纪30年代以来,电影节一直是国际和独立电影的中心. 圣丹斯电影节是美国最大的独立电影节,它开创了保罗·托马斯·安德森等电影人的事业, Kevin Smith, and Quentin Tarantino. During this course, 学生们有机会学习电影节的历史,以及它们对当代电影景观的影响. 学生可以选择与圣丹斯电影节及其地点(市场营销)相关的任何主题, event planning, networking, nature, religion, or others). 然后,这个班将前往圣丹斯电影节,学生们将有自由选择他们想要追求的东西, such as attending film screenings, panels, and workshops, and interacting with film producers and distributors. 


We're available to help with any needs.
Contact the Krulak Institute at 205-226-7717 or at [email protected]

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