



Department of Education


The world needs great teachers. At Birmingham-Southern, we will prepare you to enter the classroom with a realistic picture of teaching as a profession. 教育学生在有才华的教师的指导下学习社会建构主义和批判理论,并进入课堂进行观察, plan lessons, and teach, around Birmingham and across the globe.

Certification areas include elementary education, secondary education, collaborative education, and visual arts education. Students earning certifications in secondary education can also choose to concentrate in biology, history, history and general social studies, or mathematics.

As education students complete their coursework, they will demonstrate written and oral communication skills, plan lessons and instruction, and articulate a philosophy of teaching. 他们准备去读研究生,或者立即进入自己的教室——在世界上任何他们选择教书的地方.

Interested? 填写右边的表格,招生代表将跟随你开始你的山顶之旅.

Chart your course with 澳门新葡京官网 Education!


Why study Education at 澳门新葡京官网?

  • Small, intimate classes.教育教师要了解每一个学生,并以未来教育工作者的授课方式进行教学. Students engage in a range of activities, learn why those activities work, and apply them to their own lesson plans.
  • Hands-on teaching experience. First-year majors spend E-Term working in local classrooms with K-12 learners. By teaching large groups, small groups, and individual students, majors will receive a wide range of experiences in many types of schools. Students later work in their chosen concentrations, and the education capstone experience includes a full-term internship.
  • Service learning in Uganda. Every E-Term, education majors have the opportunity to collaborate with local teachers at a private, rural elementary school in Mukono, Uganda. Students on the trip, which is open to other departments, spend the term teaching English to K-7th grade students. Read about the project on their blog.
  • Scholarships and awards. Towards the end of the spring term, the department presents numerous scholarships and awards to outstanding students, including the Rutherford R. 黑人教师教育最优秀学生奖和阿拉巴马州财团奖学金.

    Our Conceptual Framework

    We believe that purposeful and intentional teachers:

    Demonstrate intellectual curiosity. We define intellectual curiosity as any interest that leads to inquiry. We believe that intellectual curiosity is a vital quality of an effective teacher. Intellectually curious individuals exist in a state of constant learning, reading, and researching. They persistently seek solutions to problems and connections between and among divergent topics.

    Demonstrate philosophical, pedagogical, and academic grounding. Teachers know, know why, and know how. Purposeful and intentional teachers know – they have wrestled with complex questions and academic content. Purposeful and intentional teachers know why – they have developed a philosophical stance which informs their teaching decisions. Purposeful and intentional teachers know how – they have acquired a repertoire of teaching moves informed by their pedagogical studies, including the ability to select and use resources and technologies. They can clearly articulate their beliefs about teaching and learning, cite supporting research and philosophical underpinnings, and speak to informed applications in a variety of classroom settings.

    Practice reflective and intentional teaching. Teachers hold a set of principles which guide the decision-making process and which inform practice. 我们相信有效的教师做事都是有目的的——每一个教学动作都是有意的和合理的.

    Practice advocacy for the community, the profession, and for all children. Teachers know, respect, participate in, and advocate for the communities in which they teach. As advocates for the teaching profession, they participate in professional organizations and contribute to the field. 他们提倡任何必要的东西来满足他们学习社区的个人成员以及所有孩子的需要.


    Requirements for Admission


    Before being admitted to TEP, students must:

    • Complete 10 units of credit or the equivalent.
    • Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher overall, in professional studies, and in the teaching field.
    • Successfully complete ED 201: Introduction to Education or EPy 260: Survey of Exceptional Children.
    • Successfully complete the Exploratory Term teaching experience (ED 299).
    • Complete a background check.
    • Submit a self-assessment of professional dispositions (EDA), writing sample, and application prior to TEP interview.
    • Interview with two or more members of education. Writing samples will be assessed at this time.

    While these criteria are being met, students may take education courses that do not require TEP admission as a prerequisite, 但学生在入读TEP前,只可修读超过五门专业教育课程.


    Educator Preparation Information

    The following handbooks are available for currents students:
    Field Experience Handbook

    Forms for Teacher Education Admission:
    TEP Application

    Educator Disposition Assessment:
    EDA Form

    Communication Rubrics:
    澳门新葡京官网 Writing Rubric

    Field Experience Logs and Instructions for All Students:                                   
    Field Experience Log Instructions

    Supplementary Secondary Biology

    Supplementary Collaborative

    Supplementary Secondary English Lanuage Arts

    Supplementary Secondary History

    Supplementary Secondary History and Social Studies

    Supplementary Secondary Mathematics


    Assessment Information for All Students:
    Assessment Information and Current Teacher Testing Requirement Options



    Educator Preparation Checklist

    伯明翰南方学院教育系的教育工作者准备课程由阿拉巴马州教师教育和认证部(ALSDE)认证。. 伯明翰南方学院获得了南方学院和学校委员会(SACSCOC)的认证。.

    Click any hyperlink below to see the official program of study for that major.

    Certification Programs and Class B Certificates:

    Biology 6-12

    Collaborative K-6

    Elementary K-6

    English Language Arts 6-12

    History 6-12 

    History and General Social Studies 6-12

    Mathematics 6-12


    Eligibility for Teaching Certificate

    To be eligible for a teaching certificate, a student must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and complete an approved Course of Study. 学生必须成功完成所有课程要求,并满足以下条件才能被推荐为教师证书:

    • Complete the College's graduation requirements.
    • Achieve and maintain a grade-point average of 2.5 or higher overall, 2.5 or higher in professional studies, and 2.5 or higher in the teaching field. No grade below “C” in professional studies (including “C-”) is acceptable.
    • 通过在所有学生教学实习中取得“B-”或更高的成绩来证明自己的教学能力.
    • Complete a Criminal Background Check 并通过阿拉巴马州调查局(ABI)和联邦调查局(FBI)的认证。.
    • 通过阿拉巴马州教育部(ALSDE)确定的学科认证所需的所有标准化测试. See more information about required Praxis tests here.

    澳门新葡京官网的教师教育计划可能会在不通知阿拉巴马州教育部的情况下发生变化. 学生应咨询教师顾问或认证官员有关当前的认证要求. You can email Treva Lester, our certification officer, at [email protected] or call (205)226-4810.


    Accreditation Reports

    CAEP Accountability Measures

    Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness (4.1)                                                                         


    Completer CPAST Data Summary    

    Completer Tripod Data Summary                                                                                       

    Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (4.2, 5.3)

    EPP通过阿拉巴马州教师教育学院协会(ALACTE)开展的一项调查收集有关雇主满意度的数据,此外还与雇主和学员进行了焦点小组讨论. 因为就业计划没有现成的回答者数目,而雇主和完成者的回应率也很低, 为提高回应率,雇员权益计划直接向雇主和填写者发出问卷,问卷的问题与雇员权益评估问卷相同. 将调查问卷直接由环境保护计划发送给与环境保护计划有关系的完成者和雇主,大大提高了环境保护计划的回应率.  

    Employer Survey

    Employer Survey and Focus Group Data

    Completer Focus Group Data Summary

    Completer Survey Summary

    Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (3.3)

    The EPP uses multiple measures to measure candidates’ competency when completing the program. Those measures include the Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST), EdTPA, the Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA), and the Final Intern Competency Assessment (FICA).

    CPAST Data Summary

    EdTPA Data Summary

    EDA Data Summary


    Praxis Data Summary

    Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared

    The EPP collects post-graduation employment data through surveys.

    Employer Survey

    Employer Survey and Focus Group Data




    Call for Comments for Accreditation Visit

    Call for Comments for Accreditation Visit

    伯明翰南方学院教育系将于10月29日至31日主办教育者准备认证委员会(CAEP)的认证访问, 2023. Interested parties are invited to submit third-party comments to the evaluation team. 请注意,评论必须涉及与所提供的专业教育项目的质量有关的实质性问题,并应具体说明一方与提供商的关系(例如.g., graduate, present or former faculty member, employer of graduates).

    We invite you to submit written testimony to: CAEP, 1140 19th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036, or by email to: [email protected].

    这些意见必须在指定的期限内提出,并以卓越的CAP认证标准的核心原则为基础, which recognize that:

    In CAEP’s performance-based system, 认证是基于证据,证明教师候选人了解主题,并能有效地教授,使学生学习. In the CAEP system, epp必须证明候选人能够将理论与实践联系起来,并在实际的P-12课堂上发挥作用.

    A professional education provider that is accredited by CAEP is expected to be involved in ongoing planning and evaluation; engaged in continuous assessment and development: ensure that faculty and programs reflect new knowledge, practice, and technologies; and be involved in continuous development in response to the evolving world of education and educational reform.
    评论必须涉及与所提供的专业教育项目的质量有关的实质性问题, and should specify the respondent’s relationship, if any, to the institution (i.e., graduate, present or former faculty member, employer of graduates). 收到的所有信件的副本将在审查之前发送给大学征求意见.



    Faculty and Staff

    Gay Barnes
    Associate Professor of Education
    Harbert 119
    [email protected]

    Dr. Ann Dominick
    Visiting Assistant Professor of Education
    Harbert 120
    [email protected]

    Louanne Jacobs
    Professor of Education
    Harbert 117
    [email protected]

    Treva H. Lester
    Certification Officer
    Harbert 123 
    (205) 226-4810
    [email protected]

    Kelly Russell 
    Associate Professor of Education
    Harbert 126
    [email protected]

    Amelia Spencer
    Professor of Education
    Education Department Chair
    Harbert 115
    [email protected]


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